So grateful for such an uplifting meeting today with a new client group. We got together to plan and co-create a workshop for their organization. We decided to focus on self-confidence and self-discovery via the theme of Warriors. 

The process of co-creating workshops and trainings brings ‘magical’ plans. When the energy of the planning is filled with respect, thoughtfulness, openness, and fun – wonderful elements come together to create a few hours, or a few days, of workshop content that everyone is excited about. 

The inclusion of many diverse voices is key. I gladly carry the responsibility for being a presenter and teacher, yet we share that crazy amazing freedom to make up something that seems helpful and playful, and run with it!

Sharing a photo of my first woman warrior mask from many moons ago. You may notice there is a little tape where things have slipped and come un-glued. Such is the story of a warrior. She doesn’t expect the journey to be unicorns over the rainbow, even if there are unicorns and rainbows at times. Be that as it may, my warrior mask still inspires me to rise to my most courageous self. 

I think this every day: I have the best clients! I say it often, yet probably can never say it enough. Each one is a warrior! 

Speaking of, please share in the comments your definition and thoughts on what being a warrior means to you. Your feedback will help make this the workshop even more inspiring and rich with ideas. (I’d say you’ll have my undying love and affection, but chances are you already have it! Don’t let that be a barrier to adding your comments!) What are your warrior attitudes, behaviors, habits, actions? What events in your history helped you to become a warrior in your own life?

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