April showers bring May flowers….and apparently, this year, snow showers. These are the Pacific Northwest’s days of ever-changing weather. And by that, I mean all kinds of weather in the same day. 

One moment there is a refreshing burst of sunshine after a long, wet winter. Everywhere you look, there are fresh blossoms and the beautiful color of spring green bursting forth as new grass, new leaves, new growth. 

The next moment brings dark clouds, followed by fierce rain and hailstorms. Even, very, very unexpected snow storms in May. Then more sun, and a rainbow. The weather may be blowin’ through, yet the sun is ultimately there to shine upon us. 

What can we learn from the weather? That new growth happens, flourishes, then is often challenged by un-expected events. We are well served when we respond (not just react) to unexpected events with a fierce sense of personal determination. Let the dark times blow through, stay true to you, and your goals, and the sun shines once again – as you blossom and grow. 

What are you waiting for? Grab your sunglasses! Ready, set, go for it! Just remember to bring a raincoat.

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