The checkout lines at our local Safeway were filling up quickly. I noted I had 17 items, so I slipped into the 20 items or less line. A much shorter line. Plus, the nice-looking gentleman of about 70 years of age who was in front of me only had three items. One birthday card, one dozen red roses, and one dozen white roses. 

As he was gathering up his items, the male checker turned his attention to me. “How are you doing today?” He asked, in the friendly Safeway way, yet also seeming to mean it. 

“I’m good, thanks.” I answered. Then paused, before smiling at the gentleman and adding, “But maybe not quite as good as the person who is going to receive those beautiful flowers.”

The gentleman looked at me and smiled. “Well, then please accept this.” He said, as he began to remove one white rose from dozen. “My wife survived cancer. Every year on her birthday, I bring her a rose for each year we still have one another. This is year 23, so please enjoy this rose, since I have one too many.”

I immediately choked up. I could feel the tears fill my eyes. I wasn’t gracious nor eloquent, instead I felt completely socially awkward. Yet, I could say, “Thank you. Thank you so much!” 

While political chaos brings uncertainty and division, life-to-life and heart-to-heart connections are happening in every place imaginable. Life-to-life and heart-to-heart connections fill us with hope, gratitude, and the certainty that kindness exists. 

Let’s keep showing up with kindness and consideration – and be determined to continue building a society that cherishes each and every person. Let’s build a society that is worthy of our children, and respects each life and the life of our planet.

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